Using EFT™ has been clinically proven to
Provide Relief and Even Eliminate:
Addictive cravings (food, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs)
Allergies (food, environmental, even unknown)
Anxiety, panic attacks
Compulsions, obsessions
Depression, sadness
Fears, phobias
Grief, loss, heartache
Negative thoughts or memories
Pain (fibromyalgia, arthritis, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome)
Physical trauma
Post traumatic stress disorder
Sexual abuse trauma
Stomach problems
What Is EFT?
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an energy psychology process developed by Gary Craig that works with the mind-body energy system to (often totally) eliminate all types of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual stress and/or discomfort.
Described as "emotional acupuncture," it is one of the most effective ways to balance the body's energy system that I have experienced.
EFT has been clinically proven to be very effective as a simple, yet powerful, way of releasing all types of discomforts: emotional, anxieties, phobias, physical symptoms, anger, addiction and much more. Good research is being done in this field every day and results continue to be positive.
EFT is simple, powerful, painless and very quick. Healing yourself and solving problems, whether it be from past traumas, fears, physical discomfort or other issues, no longer takes months or years of therapy or reliving painful experiences.
This is a new paradigm in healing because it no longer takes months or years of therapy and boxes of tissues to resolve problems. With EFT, specific issues can often be dissolved in minutes — forever!
The beauty of EFT is that ANYONE can learn how to apply it on themselves. And since it is known worldwide, you can easily find a practitioner to work with you. Even mental health professionals and doctors are discovering EFT!
Remember, if you have a serious health issue, use EFT or any other self-help technique with common sense. Be sure to check with your personal physician or counselor before discontinuing any medications.
Over fifteen (15) years ago I studied EFT with Gary Craig's original DVD program.
Just as I did then, I continue to find that EFT is highly effective in helping to resolve many of my own physical issues as well as my emotional conflicts.
I share EFT with many friends, family and clients whom have also greatly benefitted.
I have completed ACEP Level 3 EFT Certification Training with Tina Craig, Gary's daughter, through the ACEP Gold Standard EFT Program.
The ACEP program is designed and directed by Tina Craig, co-author of the "Official EFT Tutorial” offered through Gary Craig’s website,
In 2012, ACEP became the first sponsor approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists studying energy psychology. I am a member in good standing with ACEP.
In addition, I have completed EFT Universe's Level 1 and 2 under the tutelage of Alina Frank and her husband, Dr. Craig Weiner, DC.
I have completed EFT Universe's requirement to become Certified by taking an additional Level 2 Training under international instructor Peter Donn.