"Find the Love You Long For"
Because Love Matters!
A Seven Week
~ Break Through ~
Online Webinar Course
Begins on Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Course totals 7 Weekly Classes
held on Consecutive Tuesday evenings
from 7:30 to 9:30 pm EST
Are You Truly Satisfied With Your Love Relationships?
As a Spiritual Path & Conscious Life Coach, an acupuncturist, a Wellness and Permanent Weight Loss Coach, people come to me with all sorts of personal and health issues.
My life coaching clients want to improve their life in a meaningful way from a personal growth or spiritual point of view.
Most of my clients also have a variety of health issues they wish to resolve.
Some have battled with their weight issues most of their lives, some have sensitivities and allergies, some have gastrointestinal disorders, while many are dealing with pain issues, like headaches, back and joint pain.
What is the largest commonality between all of these people?
Over seventy-five percent (75%!) of all my clients
are dissatisfied and unhappy
in their most meaningful relationships.
They just don’t feel heard and appreciated being themselves
by the people they love the most.
I know that this can not be just a coincidence…
Everyday I see first hand that the conflicts caused
by the absence of meaningful connections throughout our lives
are THE major source of emotional pain
that leads to physical pain and eventually dis-ease.
I can bet that you are a TRUE BLUE FRIEND!
I can bet that you are a true blue friend.
I can bet that you get pleasure from pleasing those you care about.
I can bet that you are a loving care-giver.
I can bet that you are a generous nurturer.
I can bet that you are an over-giver at heart.
I can also bet that...
You believe the following statements are true:
You have to give to receive.
You get back what you give.
Yet, admit it, you have seriously wondered:
If I am such a loving and giving person, why the heck am I not getting some of the same back?
How can this be possible?
Why are they not willing to love me?
The truth is, others ARE willing to love and give back to you.
No-o! You respond. How can this really be so?
After all, you know how hard you are working in your relationships.
Sadly, it feels like your efforts just create more distance, loneliness and even resentment.
You are not alone in these feelings.
Like you, many good, loving and well intended people are totally unaware of how or why their love is being eroded.
It feels like you are just wasting your energy.
This adds to your frustrations, your feeling disconnected, your sense of loneliness,
and to your growing fears of having to settle to live without the genuine love that you feel,
that you know, could be possible… if only.… ???
There are two likely ways that you keep attempting to fix your emotional dilemma.
These are keeping you from receiving the love and appreciation for which you have longed.
1 - You have been trying to fix the wrong part of your problem.
When you feel lack in your love relationships, you tend to pour your energies into fixing the relationship or helping others.
2 - Because of #1, You have been doing the wrong actions to fix it.
Most of what you have been working so hard to do is actually working against what you really desire.
What is causing you to have so much disappointment in love is most likely because you have a totally wrong basis, wrong beliefs and wrong mind set, about WHAT needs to change.
Because the most important part of your love dilemma is YOU!
The good thing is, this is the only piece that you can actually change!
How you see and feel about about yourself is at the root of your relationships issues.
Until you address your root causes, it is very difficult to change the way you attract and experience love.
Creating mutually loving relationships is about making small, inner awarenesses and easy, caring shifts within yourself.
As your own point of views about you change, your satisfaction with your other relationships will also begin to progress in new and more loving and caring directions.
This Break-Through Course is Designed to:
~ Assist YOU in uncovering your hidden love blocks.
~ Help YOU discover how to you can truly feel accepted, valued, loved by just being your own true self.
~ Initiate YOUR experiences to understand and know that others do love and appreciate you.
During this SEVEN Week Course YOU will explore…
Break Through those heart barriers!
... What Really Is Genuine Love
... What YOU Really Need to Feel Loved
... How YOUR Past Relationships keep your heart yearning
... How YOU are Pushing Away the Ones You Love
... How the Ways You Give Love Actually Keeps You Lonely
... How YOUR Unconscious Mind Creates Walls of Protection
... How YOUR Deep Fears and Beliefs Keep You Frim Receiving Love
... How YOUR VALUES and VIRTUES are Shoving Others Away
We Will Be Using Many Mind-Body Tools that:
Clear those confusing clouds from around your heart!
... Show You How Your Body Pain Has Been Trying to Tell You What Is Wrong in Your Life
… Assist YOU in Clearing Your Confusion and Overwhelm
… Give YOU Methods to Resolve Negative Emotions and Thoughts
… Help YOU to Know What is Really Right for You
… Teach YOU Better Communication Techniques so You Can Get What You Truly Want
… Give YOU the Best True Blue Friend YOU Can Ever Have
… Create the Emotions YOU’d Love to Feel More of in YOUR Life
This Group Webinar Course Starts on Tuesday, September 13, 2016.
Isn't it time to get the love you deserve?
This Course totals 7 Class evenings:
Includes 6 weekly Classes of Course Materials
plus 1 additional Coaching Q&A Bonus Night
held on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 pm
This Course is a highly insightful and progressive way to open and heal YOUR own heart.
This Course uses the same gentle Mind-Body Therapies that I successfully use with my Spiritual Path and Conscious Life Coaching Private Session Clients.
This Course will assist You in discovering how to recreate your old and new relationships to give to you what you really need.
This Course material has helped many to manifest deeper, lasting love more easily than you ever imagined.
This Course includes weekly handouts and homework that you will receive via email, that forms YOUR Course Workbook and Journal.
This Course's evening sessions will be structured to open with:
~ Discussion Time about the previous week's homework,
~ Presentation of that week's new Topic Contents,
~ incorporating new Mind-Body Exercises,
~ and ends with a Q&A Period focusing on that evening's new material.
Registration Fees
for this 7 weekly session Group Webinar Course:
Instantly receive 50% off with Early Registation!
Only $175 for Early Registration
before or on
Thursday, September 1, 2016
$350 for Regular Registration
Deadline is:
Friday, September 9, 2016
Both Pre & Regular Registration Fees are an unbelievable deal!
My Private Session Fees are $200/session!
These Group Sessions are only $25 or $50 per each 2 hour evening Class!!
To register:
Just click on the "Workshops" Tab in the Menu Above,
then click on the "Find Love Registration Form".
(FORM PENDING - Check back soon!)
After you fill in the form, just press "Submit" at the bottom of the form to complete your registration.
The form will automatically be emailed securely with your credit card information.
Confirmation of your registration and payment will be sent your email address.
For any questions:
Email ~ Office@LindaGreenfield.com
Or call 305-519-9711
Leave a voice message.
I should return your message within a few days.
Refund Policy:
Refunds for Registration Cancellations are given by requests made only in writing (email or US post) received by Saturday, September 10, 2016.
No refunds are offered for registration cancellations after Monday, September 12, 2016 or for non-attendance to any part of the Webinar Course.
Refunds (less a $50 processing fee) will be refunded by business check mailed by September 30, 2016.