Why Your Empowered Life begins HERE
We Need a Little Help Up from Time to Time
Since 2007, I have been dedicated to empowering people just like you to create their own quality of life.
I have found that there are usually 5 areas that need attention
in order to easily and successfully make life changes.
1 - My job as your coach is to help you understand why using will power alone has failed you in your past.
No one is just born with strong will power and self confidence; these are skills that must be developed & honed.
2 - Together we will explore what your goals really mean to you at deeper, more powerful levels.
This personal awareness assists you in your long term inner motivation towards obtaining what you really want and how you really want to live.
3 - I will assist in guiding you in choosing the next steps that feel right for you to create a foundation of positive habits.
It is your foundation of positive habits that:
proves and deepens your beliefs in your own ability to succeed
builds your self confidence while quieting your fears
smooth out your life's rougher roads
makes your life journey easier & more joyful.
The Barrier AREA around your "Comfort Zone" is an EXCITING & UPLIFTING area called the "Learning Zone". Your inner alarms go off when you attempt to change quickly & expand rapidly into your "Learning Zone".
4 - You can enlarge your comfort zone by EXPECTING to "stumble" & having back up approaches to keep you from feeling stuck.
"Stumbles" are actually your lower brain and inner emotional and mental conflicts trying to keep you from making any changes in your life.
These inner conflicts keep you safely in a small box called your "comfort zone".
The suppressed tension from your inner conflicts are actually
what create your emotional stress and physical discomforts.
Every time you "stumble", you have simply hit the outer wall of your "Learning Zone".
This triggers your stress & discomfort so you want to hide back in your old "Comfort Zone" box.
Every time you "stumble", you have simply hit the outer wall of your "Learning Zone".
This triggers your stress & discomfort so you want to hide back in your old "Comfort Zone" box.
Every time you try to leave your "comfort zone", your inner conflicts create increasing stress & discomfort until you "stumble" so you'll go straight back into your old "comfort zone" box.
Your inner conflicts keep you from growing as a person and limit your successes.
As you become more aware of them, your inner conflicts simply begin to dissolve.
Of course, I can teach you a few mind-body methods that help many people speed up this process.